Organisation: Centre for Leisure Time Activities - Stara Lubovna
Address: Farbiarska 35
Postal code: 064 01
Town: Stara Lubovna
Country: Slovakia
Phone: +421 52 43 215 04,mobil: 00421905217463
Fax: +421 52 43 215 04
Director: PhDr. Marta Hanečáková
DŮM DĚTÍ A MLÁDEŽE VRATIMOV- příspěvková organizace
Frýdecká 377/61
739 32
Číslo účtu: 1734085319/0800
IČ: 75086778
Examples of Project
Free time
PROGRAM " YOUTH IN ACTION" 1,1 -share " ECO -SPORT " - project in Swinoujscie on vacation. The project involved young people from Norway, Bulgaria, Slovakia , the Czech Republic and Polish and staff . The program was the cognitive classes , workshops on working in the resorts , block activities related to nature conservation , national days , sports activities , rides on bicycles.
- Project Safe Junior implemented in Nowy Sacz , involving young people from Russia, Ukraine, Czech and Polish .
- The program about the risks for young people. Preparing young people to act on threats from a drug dealer , attack and kidnapping.
- The project was implemented in Nowy Sacz , eight days of joint operations. Integration activities , evenings national sport . Exercises and demonstrations behavior in an emergency situation.
- Learning how to behave in times of danger ; drug dealer kidnapping Threats on the Internet.
- The project uses the ideas of participants , Police Trainers Special Group
- The project for young people 15-18 years old, the young dis-advantaged.
- The project for poor youth.
- The project for vulnerable youth gangs
- Project carried out from May to October.
- In May and June to prepare for the project.
- The main activity - two weeks of the program in Świnoujscie.
- The action program.
Integration activities Presentations about their city and country. Common cycling. Common game . Movies, presentations about the threat of land. explore the area.
Cele projektu.
Organizacja czasu wolnego dla młodzieży, zmiana otoczenia, organizacja zajęć dla młodzieży poza domem, integracja z młodzieżą z zagranicy, poznanie problemów ekologicznych.
Objectives of the project. Organization of leisure time for youth, a change of scenery, organizing youth activities outside the home, the integration of young people from abroad, knowledge of ecological problems
Results of the project:
Participation in the project is less crime, less contact with drugs, alcohol and boosters. Organized during vacation. Personal development of young people. Dialogue with difficult youth organizations. New experiences for the staff.
This is the end.
Face Time:
Skype : baca97
Mobil: +48604462786
Association for the Development of Culture and Sport Among Children and Youth Housing Estate Kochanowski
The Association is based on the work of its members. The Association organizes projects for children and young people from Nowy Sacz.
The Association organizes additional science course for young people.
The Association organizes sports activities for young people.
We organized:
five projects financed by the program "Youth”, 2 projects financed by the Visegrad Fund, 10 programs cofinanced by the city of Nowy Sacz.
33-300 NOWY SĄCZ
Street ;Kochanowskiego 13
Tel. 48 184412090
Tel. mobile: +48 604 46 Kontakt;
Przykład dobrych praktyk
Turniej Rodzin Pałac Młodzieży Nowy Sącz
turniej rodzin- dobry przykład
W dniach 29.09.-03.10. 2015 w Belgradzie przedstawiciele Nowosądeckich Organizacji uczestniczyli w seminarium „ YES for CITIZENSHIP „
Gospodarzem spotkania była organizacja C:E:T Platform z Serbii, organizacja pozarządowa , w spotkaniu uczestniczyli reprezentacji organizacji z Czech, Słowacji oraz Polski. Z Czech w spotkaniu brali udział reprezentanci Domu Dzieci i Młodzieży z Vratimova, Słowację reprezentowali pracownicy Centrum Wolnego Czasu ze Starej Lubowni, reprezentacja Nowosądecka to przedstawiciele Pałacu Młodzieży , Stowarzyszenia Przyjaciół Rodziny i Stowarzyszenia na Rzecz Rozwoju Kultury i Sportu wśród Dzieci i Młodzieży na Osiedlu Kochanowskiego .